Category Archives: Life & Love

A Woman’s Worth


The sweat from her head drips as she exerts all that she is into a relationship destined for destruction

Heartache after heartache her chest burdened with frustration

Yet it’s by his side she stays

While with every other women he lays

Fighting to remain his “number one”

While, ‘only’ wasn’t even an option

He cheats, she cries

She shouts, he lies

A continuous battle of the sexes

When will she ever learn her lesson?


Loving by example her ways imitated by her daughter

Poor princess not even sure of her father

She falls to her knees at his grace; between his legs she hides her face

Choosing to be all that he wants just for a couple dates…

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Evolution of the Working Woman

JB women The VOICE

She wakes up at 6 a.m. to get the kids ready for school. She prepares breakfast and fixes her husband’s tie as he leaves for work. She drives the kids to school and on her way home stops at the grocery store to shop for the items to prepare dinner for the family. She comes home, throws in a load of laundry and puts a pot on the stove. She marks that off of her list of responsibilities and begins to clean the house…all because she is subjected to be a stay-at-home mother and wife.

That is the typical day for a woman in the 1900s, which has all changed for women today. Women are now CEOs, business owners and even Editor’s in Chief of newspapers and magazines. I think, as a woman, we have come a long way. In other countries women are still stay-at-home mothers. Some women are forced into arranged marriages or are not allowed to work. It is safe to say women in America are more fortunate than many other women Millions of women work in jobs we all depend on. They work for hotels and restaurants. They take care of the ill, our children, and the elderly. They work to keep businesses going. Their jobs are important to us and our economy and they should be treated equally. The unequal opportunity women have is unjust and changes are being made, but not all the way.

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Purpose Driven Life

live now reminder

We will hear it from inquisitive grandmothers, probing professors, or fresh acquaintances straining attempts at small talk—what do you want to do after college? It comes in different forms with different intentions, but the fact remains that there is finality to the question that invokes some anxiety. Many of us aren’t sure what we are eating for breakfast the next morning, let alone have an inclination on our permanent careers. The question is somewhat dreadful because it is inescapable, but mostly because it serves as a reminder of the necessity of having a purpose.

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Grasping the Male Perspective


The male perspective is not something that can easily be grasped, especially when it comes to women. A male’s outlook on women is not that there is a clear-cut perfect woman out there that every man aspires for or that all men degrade women to objects and don’t care about them, it all comes down to two simple things. These two things are something you won’t find in a Steve Harvey best seller or the corresponding film version. It all comes down to two types of women: the woman that is just right for the night and the woman that he wants around for eternity, the girl that he just wants to have sex with and the girl that he wants to be with.  Read the rest of this entry

The Woman in Love

Picture for love article

Superman has his kryptonite, and women have love.  They say love makes you do crazy things – I believe that it’s true.  Women will do ANYTHING when they are in love, because that’s just in our nature.  We are the nurturers of this world, and as women everything we do involves our emotions.  Especially when it comes to loving our significant other, we put so much on the line without even noticing.  Read the rest of this entry

Love is in the Air


As we all know, the month of February is a month where couples get to show their love for each other through gift giving, hugs, kisses, and etc. February 14, a day we all know as Valentine’s Day, brings joy to those who celebrate the loves of their life. Studies show, that around this time of the year, couples who have experienced agony or hardships in their relationship prior to February 14, will put their problems aside as the day approaches. The holiday teaches us all to be appreciative of each other, whether we shower our significant other with gifts, or our moms, dads, sisters, cousins and so on.

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“Oz.” I remember when I first heard someone from SUNY Oswego call the school “Oz.” I thought that the nickname was very interesting. Not because the colors of the school are green and yellow, but because the whole idea of the word Oz. Upon hearing the name, I immediately thought of the film Wizard of Oz. The film depicts characters that are in search of parts of their identity. Just like them, we are trying to find the pieces of our identity that are missing; the components of our personality that we haven’t reached or grasped as of yet. College helps us in this quest of self-identification. Oz helps us find the real us, to then form the real Oswego. WE are what make Oswego. Being a college student is what you make of it. Do everything, attend the parties, drink so you need sunglasses and Advil the next morning, study so hard you want to cry. Fall in love. Then fall in love again. Pay for overpriced textbooks, meet your best friends, and attend the hockey games and dinners. Do it all… Make it real, because if you don’t, who will?

-Miquira Jordan

“Black” Love


“Black” Love, What is it?

I was asked to do a piece on “black” love since Valentine’s Day is approaching quicker than could be possibly imagined. I knew from the start that this topic could be problematic not only because my love life is at a standstill, but because I was dumbstruck about this idea of “black” love. Last time I checked, I was sure that the idea of love was the one thing in our society, amid other problems, that remained colorless. While race plays a prominent role in many issues we see in today’s society, love was that one thing that had the hope of being a raceless and genderless thing.

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Natural Hair Movement

Beautiful Hair

Twisted, coiled, kinky, curly, matted, tangled, and frizzy. These are some of the words used to describe African American hair in its natural state. Natural, as in the way Black hair grows, free of relaxer, free of perms, color, and free of chemicals, period. In the Black community, hair relaxers are no strangers to the scalp. Relaxers contain a chemical known as sodium hydroxide, which breaks the disulfide bonds that are responsible for the curl pattern in one’s hair. This may be ideal for a person who finds it difficult to manage curly, kinky hair that is fragile, thick, and naturally dry. In fact, many young girls who relax their hair do it not so much for aesthetic reasons, but for the fact that the relaxer softens and straightens out the kinks that can be hard or even “scary” to comb. Read the rest of this entry

For The Love Of Women

Let her grace interrupt your space as she walks giving life to an ungrateful race

The Women

The strong, the beautiful

The fearless, the driven

The fixers, the joyful

The one who’s love has no limit

Years of endless battles of suffrage and inequality, she stands tall taking in the pain with a strategy

Quietly, yet firmly her truth is spoken

While yours is closed, it’s her heart that’s open

Feel the softness of her hands as she caresses the face of those who hurt her

Forgiving yet broken

Her generosity mistaken and stolen

Confused with weakness as she plays the role of a mother and father in a home weakened –

By separation

She does it all

Never does she fall

She is the meaning of endurance.

The Women Overlooked, underappreciated

But with them, the earth is populated

Hold your heard high In yourself have pride

Your limit is the sky

Impeccable, confident and wise

Women have overcome adversity and pushed past heartache and strife

Have gone through the bitter but savored the sweet of life

But let the tears of defeat be replaced with a sigh of relief for women have grown, establishing a new criteria to meet She is the light in a dark room

The powerful final line of a great speech

She is love at first sight

The tight verse over a perfect beat

The woman, all women

She now knows to be true

Young women, old and new It all begins and ends with you.

–Kiana St Louis